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This study aims to determine the Village Government's Strategy in Developing the Potential of the Religious Tourism Village of Syekh Maulana Mimbar's Tomb in Padakaton Village, Keuntungan District, Brebes Regency. This research uses qualitative research methods, the research design uses a descriptive design. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation.
The results of this research include: 1) The potential of the Tomb of Syekh Maulana Mimbar is able to increase the number of tourist visits 2). The strategies carried out by the village government in developing tourism potential are strategies to increase the role of government and society, strategies to improve facilities and infrastructure, tourism promotion strategies, community development and empowerment strategies. 3) The driving factor in the process of developing the potential of a religious tourism village is its lineage that reaches the Sultanate of Banten and Sunan Gunung Djati Cirebon. The inhibiting factor is the lack of promotion and innovation in the process of developing religious tourism
Keywords: Strategy, Village Government, Religious Tourism


Strategy Village Government Tourism

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How to Cite
Istiqomah, L. N., R. Samidi, & Munthoha Nasuha. (2024). Strategi Pemerintah Desa dalam Mengembangkan Potensi Desa Wisata Religi Makam Syekh Maulana Mimbar di Desa Padakaton Kecamatan Ketanggungan Kabupaten Brebes. JOURNAL CIVIC EDUCATION AND ETHNOGRAPHY, 2(2), 9-17.


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